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  • Parenthood and work-life integration

    We can help you to…

    …overcome prejudices and enhance parents’ skill set for better work-life integration

    Becoming a parent is a unique and impactful experience that often changes the perspectives, priorities and values of women and men alike. A complex journey that most often requires a period leave and the difficulties of reconciling work and family life. Focusing on parenthood means creating a new perspective beyond stereotypes.​

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    In Wise Growth we have been working on the topics of parenthood and work-life integration for many years already, with the aim of promoting a sustainable development of both people and organisations.

    These are delicate and complex topics, which impact multiple company dynamics and which involve mothers, fathers, people managers and HR.

    Thanks to our extensive experience, we support companies through consulting, training and awareness raising activities. We address the topic of parenthood as one of the elements that make up the plurality of an individual, enhancing the skills acquired and addressing the balance between fulfilling organisational needs and individual requirements. The goal is to develop harmonious, inclusive and sustainable environments for both parents and organisations.

    The tools we offer depend on the specific requirements and organisational culture:​

    • Training aimed at new parents returning from leave
    • Sessions of guided discussion between parents and people managers
    • Training to parents of teenagers to support them in this delicate phase of change
    • Support in refocusing on personal motivation and the achievement of a more sustainable work-life integration
    — FOCUS

    Case study

    The dual point of view on parenthood

    On behalf of one of the leading global pharmaceutical companies, Wise Growth has led an innovative project aimed at fathers and mothers. The objectives were jointly defined, involving both the organisation’s and the mother’s and father’s points of view. One topic highlighted was that of work-life balance, analysed with particular reference to one person’s personal experience and company requirements. The process consisted of three steps: an initial meeting between new parents and people managers; training dedicated to parents – both fathers and mothers – returning from leave; and finally some coaching sessions available to both parents, with the opportunity to focus on their particular parenting experience.