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  • Gender Equality certification

    We can help you to…

    …promote concrete actions to reduce the gender gap by supporting you in all phases of the Gender Equality Certification process

    The journey to initiate a cultural and sustainable change towards inclusion also passes through gender equality in the organisation.

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    The Gender Equality Certification is a regulatory instrument that aims at promoting gender equity, reducing gender discrimination and countering the gender pay gap.

    Our extensive experience is available to companies at all stages of the Certification process, from assessment to follow-up.

    Specifically, Wise Growth supports with:

    • carrying out a mapping of the organisational current status to evaluate the positioning of the company with respect to the KPIs identified by the legislation (analysis of the company according to PdR 125:2022)
    • supporting the creation of the gender equality management system
    • accompanying the audit and follow-ups with the certifying body
    • potential consulting and training courses on DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) that meet the gender equality certification standards (e.g. projects on: gender, parenting, plurality management, inclusive leadership and organisational behaviour)


    Since 2008 we have been dealing specifically with projects on the topics of gender equity and inclusion: a multi-year experience that translates into a 360° advisory service.

    — FOCUS

    Case study

    Towards the certification of gender equality

    Uno dei maggiori operatori energetici in Europa ha intrapreso un percorso di cambiamento organizzativo orientato all’inclusione e al rispetto. Come Wise Growth abbiamo dato il nostro supporto affiancando l’azienda nella fase di assessment, mappatura e posizionamento secondo la PdR 125:2022. Abbiamo realizzato un dossier diagnostico di preparazione alla Certificazione della parità di genere con un particolare focus sull’ambito genere e generazioni. Stiamo ora accompagnando i successivi passi: creazione del sistema di gestione, fondazione del Comitato guida e redazione del Piano strategico sulla parità di genere.