Degree in Clinical Psychology from Università degli studi di Bergamo, is systemic-relational psychologist and psychotherapist.
She coordinates the communication, digital & social media area of Wise Growth and is director of the online magazine, which deals with inclusivity and the Plurality Management. She teaches consultancy and training courses in the field of DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion), with a special focus on inclusive language, communication, mental health and age management.
For years she has collaborated with non-profit organizations that provide psychological support for families, couples, adults and children in difficulty.
She is passionate about new technologies, games, graphics and digital communication.
She is a contributor to the books “La Cultura del Rispetto. Oltre L’inclusione” (“The Culture of Respect. Beyond Inclusion”) by Bombelli M.C., Serrelli E., GueriniNext 2021 and “L’ecosistema della formazione. Allargare i confini per ridisegnare lo sviluppo organizzativo” (”The Education Ecosystem. Widening boundaries to redesign organizational development”) by Nacamulli C. N, Lazazzara A., Egea 2023.