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  • Human sustainability and mental health

    We can help you to…

    …develop and maintain a climate of psychological safety to ensure the well-being of people and organisations

    Attention to the topics such as mental well-being and psychological safety is now essential for the development of a solid, sustainable and effective organisational culture.

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    For over 15 years, Wise Growth has been focusing on human sustainability and we support companies in actively planning and maintaining organisational well-being through:

    • People management training to promote inclusive work environments
    • HR training to help create and maintain a climate of psychological safety, human sustainability and mental health within the organisation
    • Dissemination events to raise awareness of the importance of psychological well-being in the organisation
    • Themed listening groups to develop personal and organisational solutions


    The modularity of the tools is revealed both in the interventions aimed at particular population targets and in integrated journeys that have a lasting impact on organisational climate and on the leadership style of people management.

    — FOCUS

    Case study

    Tools to support wellness

    One of the main Italian insurance companies has carried out an important training programme to raise awareness and promote a culture of mental well-being and psychological safety at various levels of the organisation. To consolidate the results, Wise Growth has included a programme dedicated to well-being and work in their training catalogue aimed at the whole company population. The training involved psychotherapists with significant clinical and organisational behaviour expertise. The company population was accompanied in gaining awareness of the issue of mental health and in developing tools for correctly reading oneself, and effectively managing the initial psychological distress up to the acquisition of useful strategies to reduce work-related stress and promote one’s psychological health.